Where friends meet, memories are revived, and new paths begin...
The ambience of the hotel, with its extensive offer and the most beautiful mountain scenery in the Julian Alps, creates a magical and unrepeatable atmosphere, whatever the season or the weather conditions. Together with a friendly and dedicated staff who will pay attention to even the smallest detail, it offers countless opportunities for priceless moments together and unforgettable memories in the idyllic Alpine countryside.
With your help, we will take care of the smooth running of small private events such as
to indulge and enjoy the company of the people you care about. We will provide the full support needed to make your event a success, tailored to your needs.
Your event can be held in the Triangel Restaurant, which can seat up to 36 guests, or on the outdoor terrace for up to 45 people. The hotel lounge can accommodate 15 to 20 guests, while the Panorama Conference Room can be set up for private groups of up to 25 people.
Imagine organising a meeting or celebration at the Triangel Boutique Hotel and having the entire property to yourself and your invitees!
By renting the entire hotel, you can have access to everything it has to offer, from the rooms, the restaurant, and the wellness area to all the services, and we will incorporate all your wishes and take into account your privacy and security. And above all, you get the exclusive opportunity to make everything happen the way you want and imagine!
Exclusive rental of Triangel Boutique Hotel includes 11 superior rooms of various types, 3 superior suites with two separate bedrooms and a double studio, accommodating up to 36 guests in total on basic beds. In 8 rooms, the beds can be folded out from the sofa. The Triangel Restaurant, the Panorama Conference Room and the hotel's wellness area are available on request, as is the use of all car parks in front of the hotel.
The best time to book is the low season from April to May and October to November. In the case of the restaurant and wellness area, we charge a fee as compensation for loss of income, equal to the estimated value of the income we would normally generate during the duration of the rental period. This does not apply when we provide food and beverages for each day of the rental period in the aforementioned equivalent.